Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The theory of afterlife to Yoruba people.

The Living Sango and Ayaba Sango

The theory of afterlife to Yoruba people.

Positive words from Dr. Umar Johnson

Be careful, jealous Blacks will destroy the movement

By Dr. Umar Johnson

Posted on July 17, 2016 by priceless21

The Yoruba afterlife consists of Reincarnation. However, what distinguishes African reincarnation concepts from Indian versions is that Africans explain that you reincarnate from your ancestors and into your descendants.  The Indian version is a lie crafted by Aryans to deceive the Black Indians into believing that they can reincarnate into other castes so there’s no reason to fight against the higher castes but just hope to reincarnate into it in the next life.  This is all lies and propaganda.   

The truth is that you can only reincarnate thru your clan or extended-family descendants.  It doesn’t have to be your direct great grandchild (it can be, for example, the great-grandchild of your second-cousin for example).  It just has to have enough of your DNA code for you to transfer your spirit into it.  In theory, you can transfer to anyone who shares your ethnic group DNA code.  However, most genetic DNA theories are racist manipulation of science.  DNA is not just a physical code but like a keyhole that allows you to open doors in the next reincarnation.  If you do not have the proper key (DNA), you cannot open the keyhole of someone who doesn’t share your DNA sequence.   This is why many Yoruba names point to the reincarnation of people, but always thru the extended-family.  Names like Babatunde (father has returned) reflect the Yoruba notion that reincarnation is a family affair.

This is why ancestral veneration is important in Yoruba.  You are not just talking to dead people; you are remembering and learning from your past.  If you do not learn from your past (in this life and in former ones), you will repeat mistakes.  That is the purpose of ancestral veneration (egungun) in IFA: Yoruba Scientific Spirituality.

Also, Yoruba reincarnation does not believe that once you reach “nirvana” you will stop reincarnating. So don’t believe you will escape that way either. The Odu Ifa tells us that we will all reincarnate until every single human has reached enlightenment. We are a communal species.

When you don’t understand this truth about reincarnation, you will not take efforts to improve the conditions of your clan or ethnic group because you think you will escape it in death’s heaven or join another ethnic group in reincarnation.   Then when you return to Earth in the same oppressed ethnic group, you complain even though in your former life you did not fight to liberate your ethnic group.  

You must understand this cycle.  Though the European and Beige race pretends to be Christian, they understand true Reincarnation very well.  This is why their clans establish strong dynasties and they accumulate wealth not just for them, but for the next three generations after them. They know they are coming back and they want to be wealthy while they sell you the lie that you can die and go to heaven to escape this cycle.

I.e., Black folks.  You will not escape your oppression in death’s heaven nor in Indian reincarnation.  You are going to continue coming to Earth as a Black person and you are going to continue to struggle as Black until you begin to plan for the progress of Blacks three generations into the future (that you have enough prosperity that you can take care of your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren).  A true devotee of the egungun plans for the next 16 generations of prosperity.

The Yoruba believe in reincarnation within the family. The names Babatunde (father returns), Yetunde (Mother returns), Babatunji (Father wakes once again) and Sotunde (The wise man returns) all offer vivid evidence of the Ifa concept of familial or lineal rebirth. There is no simple guarantee that your grandfather or great uncle will "come back" in the birth of your child, however.

Whenever the time arrives for a spirit to return to Earth (otherwise known as The Marketplace) through the conception of a new life in the direct bloodline of the family, one of the component entities of a person's being returns, while the other remains in Heaven (Ikole Orun). The spirit that returns does so in the form of a Guardian Ori. One's Guardian Ori, which is represented and contained in the crown of the head, represents not only the spirit and energy of one's previous blood relative, but the accumulated wisdom he or she has acquired through a myriad of lifetimes. This is not to be confused with one’s spiritual Ori, which contains personal destiny, but instead refers to the coming back to The Marketplace of one's personal blood Ori through one's new life and experiences. The explanation in The Way of the Orisa was really quite clear. The Primary Ancestor (which should be identified in your Itefa (Life Path Reading)) becomes - if you are aware and work with that specific energy - a “guide” for the individual throughout their lifetime. At the end of that life they return to their identical spirit self and merge into one, taking the additional knowledge gained from their experience with the individual as a form of payment.

121. AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY: Who are the ancestors and what is reincarnation

108. AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY: The Powers of Children

19. African spirituality and the power of women

Kabayesi Baba H.R.M Oba Adefunmi II

Come visit Africa in America

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